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Cant watch anymore - no longer available

11 Shows

Liked watching the show but can not find full episodes to watch anywhere

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A great new clean family comedy. I did not expect much or for it to be in english because of the name of the show, so I waited till the 4th episode before I even watched. I was pleasantly surprised and now I am hooked. Eva is great.


One of the best shows ever. Worth re-watching the complete series yearly. I thought it was going to be the Doctor Who for the U.S., but sadly cancelled after 5 seasons. I hope that every generation gets a spin off of this wonderful show.

Minority Report

This show has really improved with time. The characters are more interesting as Arthur's and Agatha's stories unfold and the actors are more comfortable in their roles. I hope another 10 episodes come next summer with a Friday scifi night slot . Congrats nbc for what will be another cult classic like serenity. Hopefully lasting more than a season.