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Think "Crazy Cat Lady", but replace "Cat" with "Show".

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The Magicians

I can't properly rate this just one episode in, but it's definitely gotten my attention.

There's a bit of a Harry Potter vibe to it, but not as intense. I'm looking forward to see how the show is going to progress.


I'm surprised that a lot of people disliked Empire. I think it's currently one of my favourites.

It's a very raw show, which makes it stand out from a lot of the others. Each of the characters have a personality that makes you love them and despise them at the same time. The amazing music in the show is a main factor that got me hooked in the first place, and the second season does not disappoint in that area.

Definitely something to watch if you haven't already.

The Royals

I absolutely love how over the top and absurd this show can be (in a good way!). It might not seem entirely realistic, but there is no doubt that it's exciting - and that's important in a show.

I have to admit I enjoyed the first season a lot more than the second, but I'm hoping it will start to pick up again.