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TV shows and films are my only friends. That is all.

User Lists

Will it last? Will I last watching it? Only Time will tell.

14 Shows

New Shows to pass the time and test the waters.

People got Issues man! aka Drama

16 Shows

Drama/Deep-ish shows easy to watch cos its just NOT MY PROBLEM :D

Sci-fi/Comic book/Fantasy

22 Shows

just what it is

Easy to watch 1 hour Shows

7 Shows

Not too taxing on the heart or the mind

Old Faves

5 Shows

Shows Ive been watching a long time

30mins or Less

46 Shows

Quick and Easy to watch

Remember to watch - Not tracked

124 Shows

Shows from past and present I've heard great things about and would like to try.....eventually or Shows Ive started and was really into but got bored so maybe i'll pick…