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The SideReel Editorial Team's resident reality TV expert. Come talk smack with her about TV and celebrity shenanigans on SideReel's Facebook fanpage (! Also answers to Shoogie, on occasion. :)


Pretty Little Liars


Love it or hate it, you can't deny that this show is ridiculously addicting. HOW AM I STILL WATCHING IT? How are there still new episodes?! WHO IS A.

The Walking Dead


If these zombies are so superhumanly strong that they can rip off your whole face with suspiciously little effort and practically tear your whole arm to shreds with a simple pat on the shoulder (that shit's hard, I've tried), why can't they claw their way through a shitty wooden wall? Or glass? Or a fence? I don't care if you're dead, you can't just grab a chunk of a person OFF of them like they're a Costco birthday cake and eat it (go ahead, try it)! Do they have knife hands? Also, why does NO ONE refer to them as zombies?
All that aside, great show.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


The show's lead is undoubtedly talented, and each episode certainly has its moments, but many of the musical numbers and jokes verge into "try-too-hard" territory. Also, I have a hard time feeling invested in the journey of a character who is so disturbingly unstable. Rebecca is driving the struggle bus, for sure.

The Bachelor


It's only a guilty pleasure if you feel guilty about watching it. And I certainly don't! I mean, I've won two sushi dinners from my friends for correctly guessing the winner two seasons in a row! In summary, I feel zero guilt about watching girls cry and taking my friends' money.

Girl Meets World


It's no Boy Meets World — keep in mind, despite its 90s inspiration, it still IS a 2014 Disney Channel comedy — but it's cute. If you can get past the almost-unbearable corniness of the Pilot episode, you'll see in later episodes that Rowan Blanchard has a lot of Cory Matthews-style humor and quirks that Boy Meets World fans will appreciate and enjoy!

Nathan For You


If you derive pleasure from watching others suffer and squirm through painfully awkward situations, this show is for you. NATHAN is for you.



I approached this show with very low expectations — maybe I was just being judgy about it airing on TV Land — but found that it's impossible to not enjoy it. I'm pretty sure Sutton Foster makes a more convincing 20-something than I do.



Dexter had a handful of solid seasons, but the series finale was one of the worst moments in TV history. Ugh.

Drunk History


Most episodes of the TV show aren't QUITE as hilarious as the original YouTube videos (and the drunk story-tellers seem a little more fake)... but it's still pretty damn funny.

Odd Mom Out


I'm not a mom, and it's hard to imagine ever being one, but this show makes me believe that I can do it while still managing to keep my cynical sense of humor. As long as I'm super rich. It's easy to laugh at terribly stressful situations when you're super rich.