Case Closed
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Case Closed

"The Shadow of the Black Organization"

Date Aired: Feb 18, 2007 (Japan)

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After a thorough investigation, Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and reveals the culprit to be Kanyo's wheelchair-bound husband, Tatsuhito Funemoto. Conan reveals that Tatsuhito had Kanyo look outside by telling her there was a shooting star and shot her. He then falsified a robbery by hiding her pearl necklace by using them as Setsubun beans and having his maid vacuum them. Conan explains that the garbage scheme was so Tatsuhito could receive the vacuum bag later and pawn the pearls. As proof for the murder, Conan reveals that an onion was on the handle of his wheelchair which he got from the kitchen rubber glove; Conan reveals that the fingerprints and gunpowder on the glove will convict him for murder. Tatsuhito confesses and reveals his wife was obsessively spending money sponsoring parties and that she planned to place a second mortgage on the house and divorcing him in order to leave him full of debt.
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