Super Sentai
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Super Sentai

"Super Awesome! Gigant Kyoryuzin"

Date Aired: Oct 26, 2013

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Finding themselves unable to enter the Spirit Base, with Kyoryu Cyan and Kyoryu Grey searching for Torin and Bragigas, the Kyoryugers are worried with Daigo assuring them before Yayoi arrives with a silver Gaburivolver that enables them to enter the Spirit Base and upgrade the Kyoryugers' sidearms. Revealing the Spirit Base was originally part of Bragigas and has been integrated into the Zyudenryu, Torin is given the silver Gaburivolver so he can enter and leave the Spirit Base without trouble. However, Torin senses something amiss as the Zyudenchi in the Charge Box are consumed in dark energies with all the Kyoryugers but Yayoi ejected from Bragigas. The Kyoryugers then encounter Dogold and Chaos, the latter revealing the item he had Debo Tairyon fish up from Lake Mad? was a core fragment of Gadoma. Furthermore, fragments of Gadoma have entered Bragigas's body, killing it slowly while disrupting the Zyudenchi. As the Kyoryugers find themselves being overwhelmed by Dogold, Chaos revives Gadoma to destroy the city before entering the Spirit Base through the curse. As Chaos provokes Torin with his incompatibility with Bragigas to mortally wound him, Bakurestu Kyoryuzin is defeated by Gadoma as the rest of the Zyudenryu arrive. Coming to, Daigo and Nobuharu are cared for by Yuko and Rika while Amy and Ian are tended to by Gentle, Souji and Utsusemimaru find Yuuji and Tsuyoshi. With their second wind, the Kyoryugers form Kyoryuzin and Pteraidenoh Western to battle Gadoma with the support of friends, family, and those they have helped. This enables the Kyoryugers to restore their melody to Chaos's shock, freeing Bragigas from Gadoma's curse as Torin finds out the silver Gaburivolver saved him from Chaos's attack. Stating things are different from before as he hears everyone's cheers, Torin has Bragigas rise to the surface to aid the Kyoryugers as Gigant Bragi-Oh. With the cheering still continuing, the main Kyoryugers combine their Zyudenryu with Gigant Bragi-Oh to form Gigant Kyoryuzin and completely destroy Gadoma. However, Gadoma sends out a lightning bolt that opens a portal to the underworld. But as they are about to plug up the hole, the Kyoryugers and Torin are attacked by another Torin who reveals he that defeated Kyoryu Cyan and Kyoryu Grey.
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