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The Rain

It seems as though I'm cursed when my favorite genres are fantasy and science fiction and my least favorite is dystopia. I tend to plow through series like this anyway (because it's so hard to find a science fiction tv show that doesn't feel this unsatiable need to Explore All The Dark Corners Of Humanity), and I'm not one to review after seeing 2 out of 8 episodes. That being said, this was one of the most difficult six hour binges I found myself enduring.
First of all, the predictability of the plot was insane. I'm all lost for words there, honestly, there wasn't a single thing that happened on this show that I didn't see coming.
Secondly, you'd think that the writers would sacrifice the ability of the plot to shock in lieu of some elaborate science. Instead what I got was, again, pretty basic scheme with zero depth, zero explanation. I dislike dystopia, but I know how to appreciate an intricately planned system that becomes danger to all. In The Rain, there was none of that. There was no science to the fiction and it was disappointing.
The characters had their moments, they managed to spark up SOME sympathy in me despite being caught in the web of boring cliches.
To be perfectly honest, the best thing about this show is the beauty of rural Denmark it manages to capture. The rest you've already seen.

While at times the romantic storyline(s) become more intriguing than the intrigue itself, the show is full of intricate details and references, embellished with gorgeous and glorious fashion and architecture. The characters are cheeky and well-rounded, clever but not without weaknesses. Miss Fisher's may be a murder mystery show but it's definitely comfort TV.

Cable Girls

The show itself is quite enjoyable - both visually and plot-wise - once you get past the fact it is led by the least captivating and the most emotionally constipated protagonist of all times. All side characters have something interesting to offer - they're not calques of one another and they all have their own secrets and conflicts, the costumes are gorgeous, and I know that the choice to use modern music in a period drama may seem controversial but it worked for Peaky Blinders and I'll defend it till my dying day.