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Will Reynolds

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6 Shows

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Cartoon Shows

14 Shows

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I was fine with the show until the character after the spelling bee girl came in and then I was done. Jessie was a great show and I just finished that today and saw that this was the spinoff so I tried it. didn't make it 2 or 3 minutes b4 I was done. That lady character was very annoying and I don't have time to watch whatever that is or was.


I love this show and after that last episode I just saw I feel all of the fans of this show need to band together to get a season 2. It would b upsetting to me if it didn't get one and this is to me one of the best shows this network has to offer even tho I have lost respect for it.

New Girl

I gave this show a 5 stars a while ago but I just switched to a 4. The problem with this show is Winston. He is sooo pointless. I mean y is he still on this show? He provides nothing to it. Love everyone else but that is my only issue.