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I may be biased as this was the first Star Trek series I watched, but I think its the best one. After Riker grew a beard of course.

Stargate Atlantis

As much as I adored SG-1, I think this is the superior show.


Initially I was put of by the pilot ep. It was just so full of cliches and cheesyness. But I think it is starting to hit its stride. Benoist is a brilliant Supergirl, and it is very hard not to be charmed by her.
It is more on the lighthearted Flash side rather than the grittyness of Arrow and it suit the character of Kara. I mean, making Superman all serious was a huge mistake in Man of Steel, and staying clear of that was a good decision.
I suggest sticking with it through the first few establishing episodes, and let it find its footing.