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This is a great show - no sidetracking to fight the government or other shadowy orgs, no mocking of mental illnesses, no magic purple goo, just collecting cursed relics and fighting evil forces!
Sadly, the episode list is incomplete. Is there a way I can update it?

The Tomorrow People

I'm wondering if any of the other reviewers of this show ever saw the originals? This just doesn't compare. This is the lamest implementation of the most awesome series. the original versions were so much better. It's poorly written, poorly acted, poorly constructed, relies on special effects it doesn't do well...This series is probably the biggest television let down I've had since the first time they cancelled Babylon5.
I loved the original so much I forced myself to watch half the first season of this garbage until I couldn't do it anymore. I find the "mentally ill hero stops taking his medication" trope/plot painful. 1) it encourages the mentally ill to go off their meds 2) it's been done to death 3) it was TOTALLY unnecessary for this story. Completely agree with this show being cancelled, not sure how it ever got approved based on its pilot.