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21 seasons and still going strong. This show is the ultimate background show will you're doing the dishes. I love all the creative fotoshoots and seeing the progress the models make. It's just a shame they never really do a recap on how the models are doing six months after the show ends, because that would make a really interesting show!


Maybe she's (Lena) one of the voices of this generation. Maybe they all are. Girls is a show about women who are not quite there yet to call themselves women, who would like to stay girls. It's about girls (and boys) who are trying to figure out who they are, while living in a big city.
You see them struggle with work, friends, love and life itself.

In short; Girls is a show about life, but 'People' would have sounded weird as a title.

Red Band Society

Combine a hospital show with a teen drama and you have Red Band Society. I love how this show shows that teens can get cancer (or sick) as well, since you don't really hear about teenagers getting cancer. And it still doesn't leave you sad after seeing it. :)