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Red Band Society

This show almost makes you wanna be in THAT hospital. Great characters well played. I am curious if those high standards can be maintained without being boring or ridiculous.

In my opinion you might like this show if you also enjoyed "Hart of Dixie". In the same way, this show is NOT REALISTIC, often SIMPLIFYING and sometimes just a little TOO MUCH OVER THE TOP. Reminding me somehow of Brecht and his epic Theater! The viewer is mostly aware that this is just a show and nowhere near reality.

To me, those are not bad things.

The Good Wife

Who doesn't love Alicia - this series is relateable, funny, gripping, heartbreaking, stunning, intense...

The Mentalist

love jane. love lisbon. love their chemistry. not only on a sexy level but everything they do is with a wink and a smile - love it.