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12 Monkeys


I never saw the movie which I think is a plus since I was able to go into the series with an open mind. I liked the pilot so much I watched season one in two days. I have seen comments where people complain about how they stretched out the plot but having never seen the movie, I think it works great. There is so much detail and its great to see how everything comes together. One thing for sure, I do not know how I am going to be able to wait until season 2 starts.



I thought I would sit down, watch the pilot, and see how it went. I ended up watching every released episode. This is a great show with an awesome take on zombies. Crime fight + zombie = total badass show concept

Red Band Society


This is usually not my kind of show but I thought I would give it a shot. Now I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode so I can start crying and then laughing two seconds later. I think the story is a masterpiece that definitely needs to be able to grow.