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Star Trek: Discovery


*exhales deeply* just one word to describe how I feel about this new Star Trek series: wrong... It is just wrong. The Klingons are wrong and yes, I know that their appearence changed over time, but what are those strange, shiny things? The technology is wrong too, holographic communication at that presumed time?! And poor Ripper. Who else thought of TNG Episode 1 and 2? And here they are doing it themselves. Torturing another living creature to serve their own purpose, and the purpose is war. Again, just wrong. If it wasn't titled Star Trek, it would be an ok series, good effects etc. But this is not Star Trek. That doesn't feel like what Gene Roddenberry was about. Not that I knew him personally, but this is just wrong.

- Any spelling mistakes you see, don't touch them! They're mine!

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