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The guiltiest of pleasures. It's mindless, it's stupid, it's funny, it's heartwarming. I am not a "reality tv" fan by any stretch of the imagination but I love this and never miss an episode. I really don't know what it is about the Kardashians but I can't stop watching and I don't want to either.

The O.C.

The pilot is probably my favourite ever pilot of any show. The first season is truly masterful, it very rarely misses over the course of 27 episodes. The second season was different though very much enjoyable, some truly fantastic episodes. The third season marked a big change in the show, it became much darker thematically, lost a lot of its charm and the introduction of annoying and pointless characters made for a very hit and miss season. Season 4 was in some ways a return to form, a lot of the charm that the show had lost returned but a main character missing and in many ways it just felt too different for me.

It's worth a watch just for the first two seasons. The soundtrack is probably the best of any TV show ever, including "live performances" by some pretty cool bands. The cast is pretty great too and the writing in the first two seasons is very good.

True Detective

I wish I could review each season separately. They should be viewed separately as it is an anthology series. But here I can't. The first season is possibly the best season of a show I have ever seen, I don't think it could have been any more perfect. I have watched it a couple of times already and I know that it is something I will continue to go back to again and again. The writing, the acting, the direction, the cinematography, the music supervision, the set design, the props. I could go on and on, it really was masterful and I simply cannot fault it.

I think that is why the second season was such a disappointment. It was an interesting story in its own right, but truthfully it probably needed a bit more work. There was some very nice acting, especially from Rachel McAdams but the elements simply did not come together in the way that they did for the first season. I would to see them come back with something much better next year, over all it was a little underwhelming.