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Super Heroes

5 Shows

Marvel and DC shows

Binge When I Have Time

7 Shows

So many seasons that I need to set aside a good chunk of time to watch them.

Watch When I Graduate

8 Shows

Shows that are so intense I can't start them while in grad school



The 100

The 100 is amazing. Simple as that. Fantastic female characters, great writing, diversity among the cast, action and adventure. No character is one dimensional - they've been fleshed out. There are times when I hate some of my favourite characters, because guess what, humans aren't perfect. There have been kick ass moments for both the girls and the boys. And two seasons in, I still get surprised every episode. Keep doing a fantastic show!

Manhattan Love Story

This show was cancelled too soon. A victim of network TV. It was hilarious, adorable, and oh so relatable. I binge watched it and I wish there were more episodes! Overall a great feel-good romantic comedy.