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Joss Whedon! Not much else to say. Songs were good, comedy was good. Got a little dark towards the end. Wouldn't mind seeing that sequel that has been talked about for years now.

Man vs. Wild


Love this show! I know some people don't like it because some of it seems "staged" and what not. But if you think of it, if they didn't put Bear is some of those situations it would make for boring TV.

Game of Thrones


So I just finished season 5. Wow. This is an intense show. I can understand why people become so obsessed with it. While I personally have really enjoyed what I have seen so far, I haven't become obsessed with it like some people have. I like the fact that the show follows so many characters in so many places. But sometimes I would like it if it would focus more on certain stories than others. I got to say that I am enjoying Daenerys' story the most and wish we could see more of that. Great show and looking forward to season 6!

Better Call Saul


While I wasn't a HUGE Breaking Bad fan, I did enjoy the world and the characters. So I was curious to check out Better Call Saul when I first heard about it. I am over halfway through season one and am thoroughly enjoying it. People weren't sure if the character of Saul could carry a show by himself and this show proves that it is possible, and very successful.