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The Mindy Project


I watched several episodes from season 1. What I watched was ok, but nothing really funny or entertaining that I felt I had to continue. Maybe if I watched more episodes I might get into it more, but I just did not find all that appealing.


I miss this show. It was cool to see the behind the scenes makings of Doctor Who stories. Now they have the "Extras" or whatever, but they are only like 12 minutes long where as this was a full length show. Great insight into the making of Doctor Who stories from the 9th and 10th Doctor eras.

This was a mini series that aired before the revived series pilot. As such I guess it can be seen as a prequel. A lot of people consider the the pilot to be one of the best for a show. But this mini series shows you life before the humans were on the run from the cylons which is cool. You get to see how the new war starts and I consider it mandatory viewing before watching the show.



This show is okay, haven't watched a whole lot of the episodes, but if there is nothing better on I will watch it. Especially if it's an episode that I haven't seen yet.

This isn't necessary viewing for the show, Battlestar Galactica, but it is nice for the fans and gives a little more information that wasn't in the show.

In Plain Sight


I just couldn't get into this show, it was really cheesy, and not in a good way. Didn't really like any of the characters except maybe Marshal. I couldn't even finish the first season. If you are into this kind of show then good for you. But I like my shows to have more action, more comedy, more drama, more SOMETHING. Even revolution (which I quit watching at the beginning of season 2) at least had an interesting premise.

The 100


Wasn't sure if I was going to like this show at first (It's on the CW and about a bunch of kids). But I am enjoying it, especially this season (season 2). Very interesting premise and universe. Not sure how I like how more and more people living on earth keep showing up but it's a small gripe.

Covert Affairs


Just finished watching the first season of this show and while I enjoyed it, I'm not sure if I will continue watching it. I found a lot of it cheesy and while it did get better towards the end of the first season, I just don't have time to continue watching it what with several other much superior shows that I am currently watching taking up my time. Maybe later I will start it up again during the summer or something when I don't have to much else to watch. That said while I don't really care for the main character (which is what usually turns me away from a show, no matter how much I like the concept) I do like some of the supporting characters, like Auggie.

Two and a Half Men


I really enjoyed this show back when Charlie was still a part of it. Granted, I've only seen a couple episodes with Ashton, but they weren't anywhere near as funny as when Sheen was on. I haven't seen every episode of Sheen's run, but whenever it is on TV I will keep it on and enjoy what I see. I pretty good/funny sitcom. Not my favorite, but good enough to get me excited if an episode is on that I haven't seen yet.

Torchwood: Miracle Day


This series/season of Torchwood was alright. I personally find it better than the first season, but not the second or third. It had an interesting concept, but I think it was drug out to much for a 10 episode season. Having it be co produced in america really took away from the sci-fi british feel which I did not like. I really would've like to see more sci-fi elements in this season and it sucks that this might be the last season of torchwood we ever get.