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Yay! I finally got Follow buttons for people! Downlaoding Opera seemed to be best for this site. Odd choice really.


Hairspray Live!


So many audio and camera issues. Too much advertising within the show. And taking us "behind the scenes" during the performance and even worse to audience clips just takes us even further out of the performance than all the commercial breaks.



WTF Did I just watch? And why does every one of these episodes feel like a half hour of watching paint when they are only 2 minutes long?

Penny Dreadful


It started out so well. The first season was so intriguing. Great acting. It felt original despite using so many familiar characters. It felt different. The second season was pretty interesting.

The third season had me removing stars from my original rating. And was so excited when I saw Patti Lupone. By this season it seemed to simply be following the cable standard of just replacing good writing with violence, blood and boobs.

I'm glad its ended before it get any worse.

I highly recommend Seasons 1 and 2.

Family Ties


I've been rewatching episodes of this show. Some episodes are really good and worth rewatching. However, I hadn't realized how many clip shows there were. I am not a fan of clip shows though having one towards the end of a series is sometimes nice. Having 2 or 3 per season is pretty annoying.

Something to watch out for is that several episodes are out of order not just on here but on how they are on Amazon. So you will see episodes where the youngest is a baby even though he was in kindergarten the entire season until then. And the older kids relationships are out of order.

Lethal Weapon


Pilot was terrible.



Some good actors and good characters. A bit predictable - especially the pilot. The constant flashbacks are just tiresome and overdone.


This show came up on Amazon Prime for free. I vaguely remember having seen a few episodes. It's interesting. There are historical references in it. They have good country guest stars like Johnny Cash and John Schneider.

It fits in nicely between Little House on the Prairie and Heartland. It's a bit dated and still enjoyable.

The episodes were aired out of order so the stream and are apparently on the DVDs out of order. It's noticeable. I found this site that gives the correct viewing order:

I would recommend watching it in that order.



Pilot was good. Not good enough that I would pay for a hulu subscription just to watch it though. So I guess this is the end.



It's OK. I like the overall premise and some of the acting choice.

What I don't like is some of the obvious moments. Like the opening of the two screwing in the car and then surprise they work together - except not a surprise, is there anyone that didn't see that coming.

The choice of leads is problematic since anyone who is on the run while their photo is plastered all over the news would adjust their appearance. They should have chosen someone who was more willing to change their appearance for the show. Sorry but putting on a hoodie is not a disguise. Which means the make up department, wardrobe and the director also messed up.

I will probably keep watching it. For now.

Difficult People


I gave it two episodes. It should be called Boring Writing.