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Kimmi Ann

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The Mysteries of Laura was way better then I expected. It started off rocky with trying to trick the viewer into believing something that wasn't the case, but went a little to far and it came off weird. Other then that Messing did amazing as she shines in everything she has done. I like that their is a softer, lighter side and isn't this strict crime drama that many shows are starting to lean away from.


When previews first came out I was scared for a childhood memory and of course Actress Karen Gillan. This show takes after a very famous musical/movie called My Fair Lady. However, instead of a poor girl living on the streets of London who is uneducated and cannot speak proper English; the Eliza in Selfie is vapid, insecure, selfish, and basically every bad trait a "popular" female is looked to have. Putting that aside, the pilot episode was not as bad as the previews led to believe and there were a few great moments where a real genuine personality shinned through the social media princess. While I love Karen Gillan for her expressions in the first show; John Cho who plays Henry steals the scene every time. I don't believe this sitcom to last but I'll be watching it til the end.