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I haven't watched the whole season yet but so far each episode has managed to make me fall in love with it even more.
I can't decide who my favorite character is. Everyone is intriguing and completely unique. But the best thing about this show is how these decidedly different characters find their similarities, and how their differences benefit each other.
It not only makes for some incredible awesome scenes where they work together, using each other's knowledge and skill but is also very touching.
The show is an argument for a more empathetic and tolerant world, using humor, emotional pain and kickass action scenes.
Please please please more!!

Absolutely addictive show that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Complex plot, complex characters, a lot of major plot twists that /feel/ like major plot twist. Can't wait for it to come back in the fall.
Edit: season 2 was a major letdown for me. hopefully they find the magic again in s03



Proof that tv is an art form. Suspenseful, gripping and absolutely gorgeous.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


One of the best comedies I've ever seen, full of lovable characters (that actually manage to be a functional team) and funny without being mean. I wanted to write 'Andre Braugher is a gift' but that's actually true for everyone else on the show, too. Or how Gina would say 'Smiley face. Thumbs up. Gold star.'