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The Detour


Funny, full of social commentary and very much NOT appropriate for kids. Nice to see a comedy that doesn't fit the mold

Please Like Me


There's something masochistic about watching a guy having the worst possible reaction to things whilst knowing that it's the exact same thing you would do. Josh stumbles through life being awkward as hell and I love every minute of it. I've cried with laughter too many times to count.



Surprisingly deep (and dark) look behind the fassade of a Bachelor-type show. Judging by the pilot it's got a great amount of potential. Really looking forward to how this developes.

Mary + Jane


[watched: 2 eps]
I would have never thought I would like this but I actually love it??
+ while the weed is the center of the plot, it's not a show /about/ weed but instead the building of a business
+ constant hilarious parodying of hipster culture
+ everyone is so chill. Noone is judgy. At all. They live in a world of controversy and just /don't care/. it's so beautiful



This is so lifeless it can't even inspire a scathing review, much less laughs.

The Bold Type


As a twenty-something in the media field I'm exactly the kind of person this show tries to speak to and damn, it does! It's funny, it's heartfelt, it deals with issues regarding life, love, work and feminism that women my age care about and it handles them really well. I was surprised by how much I liked it, not many summer shows hit that close to home. Hoping for several more seasons!



I've never cared about wrestling. I still don't but while wrestling sets the stage on this show (if you're a fan you'll be satisfied) it's not so much about the craft but about the women who sign up for it. I didn't expect to like the cast and storylines as much as I did but there are so many showstoppers (also Kate Nash is in this??!). Absolutely recommended!



This has been my favorite show since I first watched it about five years ago. It's full of pop culture references and meta humor but also a lovable set of characters, that become a family through wacky adventures. There's noone in this group I don't love with all my heart and I'm gonna miss them all like crazy. The show really finds its voice in season 2, so stick with it and season 4 never happened (even the show itself says so).

Fuller House


I watched the season purely out of nostalgia and have to say it had nice moments here and there but mostly it made a mess out of a beloved childhood memory. By the end of it every single character was grating (and what happened to Steve? Was he always this needy and stalkerish? Why, oh why??), the senior cast dropped in for a big cheer of the audience, said one line and walked right back out, the jokes were mostly misses and they replayed every catchphrase so many time you just wanted it to stop.
Failed experiment.

Over The Garden Wall


Gorgeous cartoon that packs quite a punch. I mean it's dark. So dark. Would not let little kids watch this. It's filled with depression metaphors, dark humor and extreme anxiety that made it a fun yet very emotional watch. More please.