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What´s to say... I MISSED you girls!
I love that they brought back so many of the old characters and did a great job of reviving the scenery.
However I have to admit, they could have set the pace a little bit faster. But this might go back to the fact that I recognized many scenes from the trailers. I am looking forward to the second episode and the new drama those three generations´lives will enfold.

Veronica Mars

One of my favorites. Veronica is a great main character. Smart, original, independant and despite a lot of female characters out there, doesn´t have to be saved all the time. THe dialogues are great and there is still enough romance if you are looking for that.
There is actually a follow up movie (kickstarter) if you haven´t heard of it yet.

Flesh and Bone

Marvelous! I don´t remember another show so dark and intense. It gives me the feeling of almost to much, but still keeps me on the edge of my seat. Flesh and Bone shows you a dark and dangerous world right just in reach of normal people´s everyday life. It seems believable for me, that art and ballet could indeed produce this kind of environment, just as this kind of environment might bring one to this world of art.