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I have always wondered what happens after the superhero saves the day and up and aways, leaving a mess of things to clean up in their victory. Also, what happens in the situations where heros are all busy stopping some more urgent catastrophy, who picks up the slack? Well, SHIELD does it with grace and dignity. I think this would be the perfect metaphore that describes the show. In a world currently flooded by comics, movies, animated tv-shows and merchandise, all with our favourite superheroes, this show has managed to fill a void and actually answer some questions. Hats off to it.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Great characters, the plots are light and extremely well built. The actors really capture the essence of their characters without giving off that forced vibe. You can see Andy Sambergs flavour seeping into the episodes which makes it very enjoyable. Terry Crews is as always terrific at playing the tough, yet gentle and sensitive type. Not that he couldn't do other roles, but like the rest of the cast, the role fits him like a glove. Hats off to Chris Miller as well, for his directing. All in all a very good watch, that finds a way to surprise every time it airs.

Breaking In


The premise of this show has a multitude of angles to explore and it has managed to reach a few. It was funny and the characters had chemistry. Christian Slater made the main character a good fit between the rest of the cast, but for some reason, as everything he has done lately, it was not well received by the audiance and it got pulled. It had potential, but it was not given a change.

Dead Set


Not bad, however it was doomed from conception because of the limited premise of the series. It could not have been something that would run for more than 1 or 2 seasons maximum.

The Tomorrow People


Not a bad premise, but they overdid it with the good looking people in this show. I mean they really went overboard.

Grounded for Life


Average american family based sitcom. Smart jokes here and there but outweighed by the predictiveness of most plots.

Johnny Bravo


A childhood memory that I will never shake off. Hey Momma!Do the MonkeyDance!



2 words I have for this show. Increfreakindibly funny.Right!?