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Michael John Vargas

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Destination Truth

Fun, comical search for the mysteries that intrigue mankind all around the world. The Host, Josh Gates, leads a team of investigators around the world to various exotic locations around the globe usually seeking out local legendary monsters where the hide. The entertaiment comes in the voice commentary of Josh Gates within each episode where his humor takes center stage for the audiences' listening pleasure. Sure this show is another Monster Hunting Show where they never find any MONSTER and sometimes come away with more ambiguous evidence or questions rather than answers but they have fun while they do it. The feel of the shows' production also give the sense that these explorers and investigators don't take themselves too seriously and just go out to beautiful and sometimes dangerous locations in the search for Truth. Sometimes the mystery surrounding each case is intriguing and returns a sense of wonder and possibility that creatures and myths still walk the Earth. Usually the Monster Hunting Show, is never as satisfying a watch unless the viewer truly opens up to the possibility of mysteries or legends being real. But worry not, half the fun of this show is the less than serious nature of the investigators. More than anything you feel like another member of these seemingly group of friends out on an adventure!

Go On

Matthew Perry embodies another grump with a cast of side players meant to play off his own comic relief to some success at garnering a few laughs. Sadly the show was predictable with very few memorable moments and became one in a short list of failed Perry sitcoms. Shows premise had more potential than other late series attempts as writing seemed to improve this later attempt at comedy/"drama?"
Curmudgeon with heart changes people around him for better or worse, as they make him a better person in the process. Also lack of realistic love interests will always doom a show to failure, and chemistry between characters was also lacking.