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User Lists

Episode Count: 10-50

41 Shows

Shows that lasted for 10 to 50 episodes.

Shows Lasting For Seven Seasons

7 Shows

List of shows that ran for seven seasons.

Shows Lasting at least Eight Seasons.

13 Shows

Shows that ran for at least eight seasons.

Shows Lasting For Two Seasons

12 Shows

List of shows that only ran for two seasons. This list will include shows that have already aired two season but have not yet aired a third season.

Shows Lasting For One Season

36 Shows

Right in the title, shows that only ran for one season.

Superhero Shows

36 Shows

List of superhero shows.

Science Fiction Shows

73 Shows

List of Science Fiction genre shows.

CBS Shows

8 Shows

List of shows that air(ed) on CBS.

Concluded Shows

89 Shows

List of shows that have concluded their run.

CW Shows

13 Shows

List of shows that air(ed) on the CW.