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All around great show. Writing, acting, undertones of romance between watson and sherlock, and a great cast of puzzles, twists and psychotic enemies to wrap your head around. Based in modern day England, Benedict Cumberbatch plays Sherlock, perceptive of every last detail of every little thing, able solve a mystery without being in the same room, but even Sherlock is hard pressed to uncover every mystery, killing, or missing rabbit in this series.

(May include minor spoilers) Story line was a major let down from airbender, Korra comes off as a whiny teenage girl (which, I suppose she is) and Bo-lin has no personality what-so-ever up until mid way through this last season, always a goofy side character but never shows potential for the role they wrote him in as. Avatar seems to have no authority and is constantly undermined even in matters that are specifically relevant to her knowledge. All around the writing gets a solid "C". Worth watching for references to airbender and if you're into the whole teenage drama in your cartoon/anime, but that's mostly it.

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Is mythbusters crossed with a game show, where the prize is that you win mythbusters. The host is an awesome youtuber too.