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Shows I Sometimes Watch

1 Show

Shows I occasionally watch when my favourites aren't on


1 Show

Various types of shows and series that I might watch, occasionally.

Favourite Shows

12 Shows

These shows are my favourite - I prefer to watch these over any other.

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People can be anyone and anything they want on the internet, never thinking of what their words or actions can do - this series shows how far some people will go, to get their own way. This show is better than I thought it would be. It not only highlights the dangers of internet use and abuse, but raises awareness of what can happen when people least expect it.

Not everyone is what they seem and not everyone is allowed to be themselves - it's not just strangers who harm others or tries to control them, friends and family do as well!


Since the first moment that I started watching Grimm (when it started), I have made sure never to miss an episode - this is one of my favourites and there aren't many shows like this one.