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Chan Everson

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The Hills

Such a great show. Both endings had their good points. As a fan, I grew too fond of the characters to really care about what parts were fake and what was actual reality. It was all entertainment, and I enjoyed it.


I watched this series over the 4 years of my own college experience. The characters were definitely likable and the sets were great. But I think the most important aspect of this show is that it doesn't come off as preachy. Yes, the characters usually have their moral compasses on point, but you get to see them go on a journey in order to figure their lives out. And I feel like that's what college has been like for me too. Just a lot of stuff being figured out without my realizing it, because it usually goes by so quickly. This show projected a lot of my happiest memories. Maybe this isn't the most unbiased review, but I personally loved this show and would definitely recommend it to (future) university students.