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Sheree Emmanuel

User Lists



29 Shows

Shows ive been meaning to watch and will get around to starting soon.

Gone too soon

4 Shows

Shows that are over/cancelled/concluded too soon. I miss them...

My Favorites

22 Shows

These are some of my favorite shows, full of drama and excitement




One of the funniest shows ive watched, and ive watched a lot of shows. The characters are great together. It remind me of 30 rock and parks and rec along with the office. just fantastic.

The Newsroom

What a brilliant show! I didn't think i would like it,but then i watched it and i was amazed. The opening scene got me hooked. The characters are so interesting and yet normal. It really brings an interesting view point at news and the people behind its reporting. Easily one of my top 10 shows.


Definitely a action packed show. I wish it was still running, but it guess its hard to compete against other shows on bigger networks. the story line in this show is genius and i liked how there are twists and turns you don't see coming.