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Rosa Pagani

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Incredible! Witty. Hilarious. Gripping. Heartwarming. Heartbreaking. Absolutely addictive in every sense. Once you start watching you can't stop. J L Miller is incredible, absolutely amazing. Love Lucy Liu in this. Waiting anxiously for the next episode. Last episode, holy shit what even, no! What??! You can't just leave it on that note! Its not fair! Fucking cliffhangers for africa.


Fantastic show, great actors. Gripping, addictive, leaves you wanting more. I watched all 9 episodes in 2 days. Hurry up and bring out episode 10!

Mr Robot

Amazing. Thought I would hate it then watched one episode, got hooked and ended up watching the first 6 episodes back to back until 3am. Flawless. Gripping. Addictive. Plenty of holy shit what the actual fuck moments to keep your eyes glued to the screen.

Advice: Wait for the whole of season one to come out before you start watching, so you don't have to sit in agony waiting for the next episode like me right now.