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Mary Pickford

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35 Shows




EFF YOU, MTV!!!!!! This was the best show they came up with in years. SO much need :___(

Wolf Hall

I'm having a hard time reviewing this show. Please keep in mind that is based upon two HISTORICAL FICTION novels.
As a tv show is very well done, acted, cast is really good in their roles, aesthetically pleasing and good photography. That been said, It's hard to like a show where they paint a loyal and nice Thomas Cromwell. Man was a traitor to everything and everyone he ever came in contact with, this is the part that stops me from liking the show, how Cromwell is portrayed. He betrayed his faith, his wife, his cardinal and master, his ally Anne Boleyn, and ultimate his king. Man very well deserved the end he got.

Didn't like this show. Really slow narrative, 45min is too long for these stories. Having the victim narrate them makes them extremely boring. Just overall really boring and overly emotional for what they really were. If you want to watch a crime base show about stalking, I recommend you watch "Stalked: Someone's watching".