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Normaly I write a more detailed review. But there is no beginning with Lost. So I say: this is one of the best tv shows EVER! I saw the show several times and I still don't get it all.

The Walking Dead


First I was hesitant to start watching this show. I am not really fan of zombie's in tv shows or movies. Besides the first Resident Evil.

But damn I was wrong. What a great show! Especially the building of the characters is so well written. But don't get to attached to any of the characters because they can die in any episode!

The storyline keeps you on your toes. You never know what is gonna happen next. And if there are a few episode's wich are less exciting... BAM they come back strong. For example: the last episode of season 4 was a bit of an anti climax. But the first episode of season 5 was "walker awesome"!



The reason I started watching the show was because of Le Femme Nikita. Although then I had to depend on the Dutch tv channels I watched the episodes when they were on the TV.

How much I liked that show, I liked the new one even more. First off a great cast with Maggie Q as Nikita blowin it away. The pace was brilliant. No on and on plots and milking the same stories for a couple of episodes. The writing is great!

It is to bad the last season were only 6 episodes. This was way to short to write a good ending for a great show!

Friday Night Lights


I already liked the movie. So when the TV show came out, I had the same expectations. And I was not disappointed. What a great show.

The only if thing for me was, after season 3 coach Taylor switched schools. The beginning of season 4 feels like the show had to start over again. When it did it felt like seasons before.

I like the most relationships on the show (and yes also Tyra and Landry). What I like most is the relationship from coach Taylor and his players. He is like a father to those kids.




It is a good thing that you still could be surprised with a new tv show. I took me a few episodes to get really into the show. This is because the show is about 8 different characters in places all around the world. So in the beginning the stories has to develop. But the way to do that you have to go from person to person and place to place. It is a bit much in the beginning. But after a few episodes it will crossover in to eachother. And that is really beautiful.

Marvel's Daredevil


This show really hold up on the hype it got before hand. Netflix deffinately knows what it's doing. This show is dark, tough. With great writing and very good cast. There is no flashy stuff. Just black pants, black shirt and a black bandana turned in a mask. And as weapons, his fists and baton.

The fightsequences are awesome. The way they show how Daredevil uses his gifts is really awesome. Way better then the movie. You only see once through his eyes. What I think is a great decision.



Still the best sitcom ever! With still my favourite TV couple Ross and Rachel. You fell in love with the characters and their relationships with each other. Through 10 seasons the show stays funny on a high level. This show never gets old. It is always fun to watch an episode.



Arrow is my favourite running show at the moment. I already was a huge smallville fan. So when I heard of a new show called Arrow I was jumping for joy. And although in the beginning it was not what I expected. But now, it is so awesome. Season 2 is so good! And now as an arrow fan in season 3 we have a crossover with the Flash! It is a bit dark but with great storyline's, an excellent cast. You have to see for your self. If you like comicmovies you will like Arrow!

Oliver Queen, who is the Arrow, dissapeared for 5 years. And now he is back with a promise to his father that he will save their city. But for a way to do that, he has to become the arrow. What is so brilliant in the show is that you not only see him as the arrow. But you also see what happened to him in the 5 years he went missing. It is so well done!



Chuck is in essence a love story. With a lot of action, spystuff and humor combined. The biggest thing for me is the chemistry between Zach (Chuck) and Yvonne (Sarah). Through the seasons you become attached to the charracters. You laugh with them but also cry with them. At the ending of the series their was a smile on my face but also tears. My biggest regret is that I did not watched it sooner. So if you have any doubts. Don't! GO watch it! You will love it!



What an awesome show. This is show is ahead of its time. Nowadays with all the superhero shows and movies. And I know per season the quality decreases. But still I think this show has to be on your must watch list. If it is only for the first season. One of the best first seasons of any show!