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List of historical shows I need to watch.

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Marvel's Iron Fist

What was this? The plot was out of control, the acting was atrocious and I wasn't invested in the slightest. I went into this so excited and persevered because I thought the season would get better (the way Daredevil season 1 got better towards the end). Nope, that didn't happen. This was a waste of time.
If anyone is thinking about watching this because they want to watch The Defenders, don't bother. Just read a season recap of it.


This show takes way too much artistic licensing and has such crappy acting, but is surprisingly addictive? I hate the show ... but can't stop watching it.
Although I will encourage everyone to READ THE BOOKS instead for actual quality storytelling. This show has almost ruined the books.

Over The Garden Wall

One of the sweetest, most endearing shows I have ever watched. I've watched it again and again. Never gets old.