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Maria Mateescu

User Lists


Shelve until Legal

35 Shows

Shows I can no longer watch legally, as in the UK.... bastards....

Time Travel

4 Shows

Period dramas with out of time characters.


8 Shows

A list with shows with geniuses or people that are spectacular in their intellect.

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There is no way I could ever be disappointed in something Neil Gaiman is involved in. Saw the pilot a while back, and a month later I am still as excited as I was after that. Tom Ellis makes a fantastic mischievous devil, similar in a way to his Rush. This has the potential to become a great series, it sure has the characters for it.
Also, I am a sucker for redemption stories, or any story that involves the devil in a capacity other than the boogie-man.

The Night Manager

After the first episode I expect this series to be a roaring success. It has an absolutely stellar cast, the plot has me hooked and did I mention the absolutely fantastic actors? I would attribute the low overall rating to the fact that it could have been more fast paced, but as I see it more as a psychological thriller, personally I believe it is just the right speed for what it is trying to achieve. And the story itself is amazing, but no spoilers.

Angel From Hell

Angel from Hell is refreshing in its humour. A rather thin plotline to facilitate the jokes. The actors are clearly leading the series forward. I am curious to see where this is going, as only after the pilot I honestly don't know what to expect.