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I rarely meet a show I don't track... :D I have lists galore as I love all genres of tv, but, hey, it means I never run out of shows! I've found even more shows to watch through some amazing sidereelers' lists! Starting conversations with lists is one of my favorite things about sidereel. I love how we can all love or hate a show yet still have a friendly chat. You'll find me dashing around the site, leaving friendly comments on reviews, shows, lists and articles. <3


This Is Us


Love Love Love! Seven minutes in and my eyes were full of tears. Just at the 15 minute point, now. I love this show!!!!!

ETA: After watching the entire show, this is officially my favorite new show of Fall 2016. T.J. was right, what a reveal!

The Killing


Love this show, forgot about it when it went on hiatus and now, wheeee! I have three seasons to catch up on! Love Mireille Enos.



LOVED this show, everything about it!

666 Park Avenue


I wish this had been given a proper send off. I really liked this show, it was spooky and had the potential to be scary but I had the feeling the budget and energy (from writers? producers?) just wasn't there. The cast gave it their all but it was doomed. :/

Lie to Me


Man, I LOVED this show. Tim Roth was outstanding under those hooded eyes. I love the entire science behind the show and read about it IRL.

Although Roth says he didn't involve himself in that, although other cast members did, he walked, talked and looked the part - when he assessed someone, whoah, there wasn't much he could see. Very touching and poignant about his character's background. I also liked the difference and conflict between the natural empath and the learned scientist. Interesting show, I even got the box set! I wish it hadn't ended, there was so much potential. Why do they always cancel my favourite shows????

Will & Grace


I absolutely loved this show, everything gelled perfectly. What a cast!!!! Reunion time, please...aaand, they're back! Well, nearly...

Life in Pieces


LOVE this show, LOVE it. Ensemble cast, everyone is fabulous!!!!! :D

Arrested Development


Hilarious! Sometimes a bit hit and miss but overall, fabulously entertaining!



The showing of this series was pretty spotty in my country so I've seen as many eps as I've been able - enough to be impressed beyond measure at Jennifer Garner's ability to transform herself week after week. Nice to know so many years later that they're still great friend's.

Cold Case


Wow! Just rediscovered a show! I used to love this, esp the lead actress. It was quirky and interesting and always kept me hooked. Am now going to be looking for a box set!