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The Muppets


Nostalgia compelled me to give this show a chance, but the reality show format drove me away. Every time the muppets gave their little interviews and spoke directly into the camera it knocked on the fourth wall without adding anything at all to the humor of the show. To be honest, my dislike for Miss Piggy probably contributed to my dislike for the remake, as she is one of the major characters, but I still think the format was the problem.



I'm afraid I'm not at all surprised that this show was a failure. Portraying the most vulnerable students as the powerful villains may have seemed clever, but it unfortunately matches the rhetoric of those who are quite happy to keep those students miserable because they won't conform. The people who argue that giving those students equality is taking something away from themselves. Wouldn't have watched a second episode if it had aired.

Night Court


I really loved this show when it was on. It seems a bit dated now, but I still go back every now and then to watch a few episodes.

No Ordinary Family


I was truly disappointed when they cancelled this show. Good family dynamic, empathetic characters, and the powers were actually explained early in the season! No long wait for no reason whatsoever. This should have been renewed.



This show made me enjoy math. Need I say more?

Probably not, but I will anyways. Great casting, and I love that the math genius was allowed to be a normal person, instead of portraying genius as being tied to series emotional handicaps like so many shows do. Judd Hirsh is always amazing, but it still deserved to be said. Good, mostly healthy relationships that weren't' filled with unnecessary drama, which is almost unheard of in TV.

Oh, and why did none of my math teachers ever mention game theory? That stuff is amazing!

Person of Interest


A fantastic show from the very first episode. Flawless casting, which has made me a fan of all of the main actors. The more episodic episodes were really good, but the overarching plotlines were even better.



An interesting premise, but I felt the show was a bit too episodic and paid too little attention to the potential of the technology. That may have been resolved with further seasons, but unfortunately we'll not be seeing them.

The River


This is one of the shows I really miss, I wasn't a fan of everything, but the mysteries presented had me really wishing for another season. It's worth a watch, and even though it ended with most mysteries unsolved you can say the same about Lost and they did that deliberately!



I liked the show for a while, as it was a team of MacGyvers with mostly interesting personalities, but eventually the characters devolved into not one but two separate will-the-won't-they relationships. No thanks, I'm out.

The Returned


Unlike at least one of the other reviewers I wish they had spent a little more time on the 'why' of the premise and that creepy underwater town. A lot of potential that just wasn't used. Still, it's a great show and I'd love more of the spooky stuff.