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User Profile

Elise Favia

Hello everyone! Just finished college (studying math, comp sci, dance, & music). I love my tv shows! I'm very into crime/medical dramas and comedies, medical shows, and still have my guilty pleasure shows. I'm currently (slowly but surely) binge watching the entire CSI and MCU TV universes, along with keeping up with all my current shows. I hope you guys find my lists helpful in discovering new shows to watch and knowing which ones to avoid.

User Lists

Shows I Quit

39 Shows

Shows that I got bored with or that got significantly worse over time. Some of them have specific moments that made me stop watching (I'm looking at you, Dexter). A…

Silently Cancelled

8 Shows

Shows that never made it to air, or were announced as renewed, but then never continued.

Don't Watch Before Bed

17 Shows

Shows that I learned not to watch right before bed.... Some of them aren't actually that scary, but they'll keep you up or haunt your dreams.

TV "Hidden" Gems

12 Shows

Series that I like that seem not to be as well known (friends and family hadn't heard of them until I started watching).

Need to Check Out

69 Shows

Shows I might start watching, but have yet to see an episode of. Does not include shows that haven't aired yet/are upcoming.

Online Shows

132 Shows

Shows that air exclusively online (Hulu Originals, Netflix Originals, Amazon, CW Seed, etc)

Summer Shows

16 Shows

Shows that usually air in the summer.

Shows Ending Soon?

7 Shows

Shows that I believe are ending soon (have little chance of renewal).

Guilty Pleasures

7 Shows

Shows that I'm kinda embarrassed I like

Marvel Comics

12 Shows

Shows in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) television universe.